All about Syria | Syria war | Syria Killing | Donald Trump | Russia

All about Syria | Syria war | Syria Killing | Donald Trump | Russia 

Problems in Syria started a long time back ,the problems were from a long time just now it turned into a long lasting war.With thousand of people getting killed till  now with still thousands of people suffering with homelessness shortage of food shelter and everything which a normal human being required to suview and the list consist of children grownup and old.

Syrians were suffering from high unemployment, corruption and a lack of political freedom under President Bashar al-Assad, who come after  his late father Hafez in 2000.
What happened is after suffering from long time Syrians revolted first to defend themselves then to fight with security forces of the country.President Bashar al-Assad forces tried to suppress revolt and then it turned into a civil war.

Human rights violation

Total no of Deaths

Near about 400000 death have been recorded by the  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
Death includes civilians and forces fighting in Syria.

Why the war?

War is generally between supporters of Assad and the people against Assad but for making the thing worse for the country there are others groups as well which have their own personal agendas.
They have created a division inside religion Islam,and now shia and sunni both part fighting among themselves.

Countries Involved in Syria war.
President Assad is getting from Russia and Iran and Rebels are getting support from turkey and America.

Ending of War 
In the upcoming time according to the situations there is nothing looking like like and end to the numbers.


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